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- INFO-HAMS Digest Mon, 6 Nov 89 Volume 89 : Issue 849
- Today's Topics:
- airport security
- Earthquake in SF!!!
- Havana Moon's "Los Numeros" On-Line
- How to use the incoming QSL bureau?
- LA County quake lessons
- QSLs and SASEs
- Trend towards requiring SASEs for domestic QSLs?
- Unknown satellite on 432.875
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 3 Nov 89 15:15:22 GMT
- From: hpfcso!hpldola!hp-lsd!col!bobw@hplabs.hp.com (Bob Witte)
- Subject: airport security
- >You might be interested that my boss, who takes domestic flights quite
- >frequently, ALWAYS makes outgoing calls on his RS portable cellular phone
- >WHILE AIRBORNE.. and continues to do so, since to my knowledge he has never
- >been hassled.
- On a recent international flight in the Far East, the flight attendent
- came around asking for the antennas of portable cellular telephones.
- I assume that the intent was to prevent the use of the phones.
- Bob Witte, KB0CY
- ------------------------------
- Date: 4 Nov 89 00:17:55 GMT
- From: AppleLink.Apple.Com!X1845@apple.com (James Clearwater)
- Subject: Earthquake in SF!!!
- >>If anyone has news about the quake: damage, reports, news, etc. please
- post. How have >>>>
- >>companies been affected?
- >Apparently Apple's hardware development building was condemned as was
- Ashton Tate's
- >facility.
- Apple's h'ware bldg *condemmed*? nope, they just moved us out because some
- of the water pipes broke, and some over-head sprinklers went off. while
- it didn't seem to do a whole lot of damage to the machinery, it did a
- nasty job of getting the carpeting moldy, and given that it's a closed air
- environment (no fresh air running through)(yes, it really is "fun"), the
- powers that be opted (thankfully) to move us out of there.
- don't know anything about Ashton Tate, though.....
- ------------------------------
- Date: 6 Nov 89 13:53:49 GMT
- From: shlump.nac.dec.com!ryn.esg.dec.com!pstjtt.enet.dec.com!taber@decwrl.dec.com
- Subject: Havana Moon's "Los Numeros" On-Line
- In article <23733@cup.portal.com>, Havana_-_Moon@cup.portal.com writes...
- >
- > Now open - for a sneak preview - on Portal*
- >
- I always thought the usenet had a policy against advertising.... or is
- that one of those "guideline not a rule" sort of things?
- >>>==>PStJTT
- Patrick St. Joseph Teahan Taber
- Mail address: ahhhhh, you don't want to send me mail....
- ------------------------------
- Date: 6 Nov 89 21:15:38 GMT
- From: winter@apple.com (Patricia Winter)
- Subject: How to use the incoming QSL bureau?
- In article <338@hfsi.UUCP> bower@hfsi.UUCP (Michael Bower Comm. ) writes:
- >>[unattributed excerpt from my previous posting]:
- >>So no excuses, everybody--get those envelopes mailed off to your bureau
- >>right away! Otherwise you'll never get that ZA card that's waiting for you.:-)
- >NO, NO, NO!!!!!
- >
- >If you are expecting cards, fine. If you are sending an envelope
- >"just in case", DON'T DO IT! I, as a sorter, do NOT want envelopes
- >from every N4TOM, D1CK, and H4RRy. That leads to storage problems
- >and makes sorting much slower. Only if you are expecting cards, please!
- I'm not quite sure what Michael thought I meant, but my posting was
- in response to someone who has been working DX and therefore very likely
- has cards waiting for him. My comment was clearly directed to him and
- others like him.
- So if you're in that category, go for it. If you're not, then you
- weren't reading this discussion anyway, right? :-)
- Patty
- p.s. Just in case any of you (hi, Derek) are waiting for FO0FB cards
- from Ross' last trip to Tahiti, they'll be out eventually. At 5:03 p.m.
- on Tuesday, October 17, they were neatly sorted by date in a couple of
- shoeboxes. At 5:05 p.m. that same day, they were lying in a jumbled mess
- on the floor of Ross' radio room. :-( Ross and his family have had more
- important things than QSLing to deal with the past few weeks (they're all
- okay, though). Since my mom was a librarian and sorting runs in my blood
- :-), I'm going to bring all the received cards to my house and resort them.
- (I'm told there are probably some 3D2XX requests mixed in, too.) So hang
- loose, everyone. We're all working on getting things back together out here.
- --
- *****************************************************************************
- Patty Winter N6BIS INTERNET: winter@apple.com
- AMPR.ORG: [] UUCP: {decwrl,nsc,sun}!apple!winter
- *****************************************************************************
- ------------------------------
- Date: 6 Nov 89 17:56:38 GMT
- From: enterprise!kirk@sun.com ('Captain' Kirk DeHaan)
- Subject: LA County quake lessons
- According to the San Jose Mercury News, L.A. county officials have
- stated their communications system needs upgrading. They plan on
- replacing their exsisting disaster communications system, a network
- of amateur radio volunteers, with a computer system capable of transmitting
- messages via radio.
- I just wonder with budgets so tight these days if they are going to be
- able to provide enough "packet" systems to all of the needed agencies
- as well as train all the people that are needed to operate them.
- Also, won't these people also require a knowledge of the equipment
- in case repairs are needed?
- >From first hand experience I thought, at least in the Bay area, the hams
- provided a great service. The proof are the letters that were recieved
- from county officials and the Red Cross. Not to me personally but to
- the hams as a whole.
- ********************************************************************
- * 'Captain' Kirk DeHaan | "There's a lot to be said *
- * Sun Microsystems Inc. | For a blow to the head" *
- * | *
- * net - kirk@sun.com | Blue Oyster Cult *
- * packet - n6sxr.ampr.org | *
- * | *
- ********************************************************************
- ------------------------------
- Date: 6 Nov 89 13:57:17 GMT
- From: shlump.nac.dec.com!ryn.esg.dec.com!pstjtt.enet.dec.com!taber@decwrl.dec.com
- Subject: QSLs and SASEs
- In article <20428@ut-emx.UUCP>, oo7@ut-emx.UUCP (Your Tax Dollars At Work) writes...
- >However, what bugs me is *not* having to send SASEs, but the people who do
- >not reply when you do send them an SASE.
- Not too long ago there was an article in one of the magazines written by
- a guy who was becoming an expert on squeezing cards out of people. He
- recommended that in extreme cases you include not only a SASE, but one
- of those blank, generic QSL cards found in ham stores. This gives the
- person all the info (your card) a card and a reply envelope. I don't
- think he sent a pen, but he's proabably doing it by now.
- >>>==>PStJTT (N1GGR @KB4N.NH)
- Patrick St. Joseph Teahan Taber
- Mail address: ahhhhh, you don't want to send me mail....
- ------------------------------
- Date: 1 Nov 89 21:20:02 GMT
- From: hpda!hpcupt1!holly@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Jim Hollenback)
- Subject: Trend towards requiring SASEs for domestic QSLs?
- I have had some hams sent my SASE envelope back, in their envelope
- saying that I dont need to do that. Some others have used my
- envelope, but put a stamp inside with the comment that I should
- not have to send a SASE. Many just use the SASE and send the card.
- This is fine, I wanted the card that is why I sent mine and my SASE.
- I can understand a ham not sending a card for every contact, I dont
- either. But if I want the card, or heavens forbid someone wants a
- CA, it is curteous to return the card. But the thing that really
- makes me mad is the ham that takes my SASE, card and all and throws
- it all away. Hey, I would be happy to get the confirmation in the
- form of a short letter, the back of a post card, or even a 3X5
- index card. I suppose you could use a condom wrapper, but I might not
- put that on the wall... hi hi. I had one ham (W6IMM I think) that
- I worked in a contest and wanted his card on 80M rtty. He said he
- did not send a card for 20 years, but got a airline postcard (he is a pilot)
- and put the info on the back. A differnt card, I like that. He QSl'd.
- One other thing that is curious, I have had a nice QSO with various
- hams and I causually mention I could use a card from their state and
- ask if they are good in the callbook. Suddenly the band is solid QRM
- and after several repeats they still can't copy the last transmission.
- Funny, that there is no QRM at my end, must be a local at their end I
- cant hear. I have noticed that return rate is about 60% for no SASE
- and around 90% for a SASE. I think alot of the hams dont QSL because
- why bother, they have the wallpaper, doesnt everybody? Personally I
- think it is a sad state of affairs when a ham can spend thousands of
- dollars on equipment, towers, antennas and the like and cant spend
- a $100 a year on cards an postage. Well that is my 2 cents worth
- Jim, WA6SDM
- holly@hpcupt1
- ------------------------------
- Date: 6 Nov 89 14:16:37 GMT
- From: eru!luth!sunic!tut!router!fintuvm.bitnet!t6t-virt@BLOOM-BEACON.MIT.EDU
- Subject: Unknown satellite on 432.875
- Hi All|
- Just got a query from a friend who runs satellites ...
- He wondered, what is the satellite on the ham band 432.875 ?
- He said it is not a amateur satellite and he had some note
- which told that the satellite might be "polar bear"
- recearch satellite launched by US.
- he just wondered what is the reason for it sending in a ham band ...
- Any information appreciated|
- Best regards and 73's from Antti-Pekka OH1YF
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Mail : E-Mail: *
- * Antti-Pekka Virtanen avirtanen\kontu.utu.fi *
- * Arholankuja 3 as 21 t6t-virt\mammutti.utu.fi *
- * SF-21100 Naantali antsu\mea.funet.fi *
- * Finland Ham Radio : *
- * Amprnet: oh1yf.ampr.org OH1YF\OH1AA (AX.25 bbs) *
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------
- End of INFO-HAMS Digest V89 Issue #849
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